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Protect your piece of mind


Becoming a health-conscious consumer is not as challenging as one might expect. When it comes to the HVAC system of your home, there three major factors to always keep in mind: 


1. Quality of air does affect your health and peace of mind. 

Keeping a clean and well-kept HVAC system is the first step towards being a health-conscious consumer. However, taking the proper measures to clean it properly, is part of the learning process. 

Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products is one of the best ways to combat the harm being done to the environment and to the well-being of humanity.  


According to CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Respiratory Exposures are in the form of dusts, vapors, fumes, and bioaerosols, and can include materials such as silica, asbestos, coal, pesticides, and flavorings.


It is important to recognize and accept that most of the products purchased and utilize to disinfect our home are the main source of many health complications like respiratory and lung disease. As consumers we unknowingly, spray these fumes across our homes innocent to the harmful fumes penetrating our immune system, through the air, skin and the food we eat. 


The CDC furthers explains that “the type and severity of respiratory illness or disease depends on the type of work being performed during inhalation, the type of substance that is inhaled, how long the substance is inhaled, and the location of the lung where the substance lands.” This is key information for many homeowners because it explains how some cleaning disinfectants, used to clean the home or the HVAC system, contain toxins, like acid, which have spores and are known to penetrate and remain within the environment for longs periods of time. 


Ending the use of harmful cleaning products, sustains the quality of air circulating the home and influences the overall wellbeing of the body, mind, and soul. It lessens air and water pollution while it pro longs the life span of the HVAC system, savings consumers thousands of dollars in medical bills and HVAC repairs. All of this, while becoming a health conscious-consumer, making smart choices, and creating an environmentally friendly ambient to live free of airborne contaminants.  


2. A well-kept HVAC system draws less power and is more cost efficient. 

An AC unit consumes a significantly large amount of electrical power a month. The average HVAC system recycles indoor air about 5 to 7 times a day, reducing the negative impact of hard toxins to our environment, our health and well-being. According to “the average household spends more than $2,200 a year on energy bills, with nearly half of this going to heating and cooling costs” 


Therefore, it is super important to maintain certain routines on schedule, like changing the HVAC filters at least once a month. It reduces the amount of dust and debris that gets accumulated in the filters, slowing down the flow of air. This backed up excess builds a resistance of air flow through the duck way, forcing the HVAC system to work harder and faster to keep up with the temperature set on the thermostat. 


 A clogged and dirty AC unit consumes more energy because it is forced to work harder, raising its operating costs. In general, an old, dirty HVAC system that has never been clean can use up to 15% - 35% more power, according to They also recommend cleaning the indoor and outdoor coils with every change of season “a dirty coil reduces the system’s ability to cool your home and causes the system to run longer, increasing your energy costs and shortening the life of your equipment. 


A yearly cleaning and maintenance routine will delay the unit’s need to work harder and faster, thus decreasing the energy bill cost, it will improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by as much as 20 percent, according to, and it will prolong the quality and life of HVAC system. 

3. HVAC installation or replacement cost 

There are several reasons why there would be a need to update the HVAC system. For starters, the average life span of an HVAC system is about 15 years, and the Department of Energy explains that “modern air conditioners are durable, but their major components will begin to deteriorate after around ten years depending on how well is kept”. 

One of the quickest ways to age your system prematurely is to skip the yearly maintenance routine. High energy bills from dirty and neglected HVAC systems, are the top causes of heating and cooling system failure in most households.  


The cost of replacing or installing a new HVAC system will fluctuate depending on:  


  • Age, location and size of home 

  • How well insulated is the home 

  • Local climate conditions 

  • Current ductwork condition 

  • Number of coils need per home 

  • Number of air ducts and return vents 

  • Size and type of HVAC system brand 

  • Fuel type – Furnace and heat pump connection requirements differ depending on if the system is gas, oil, or electric-powered. 

  • A gas furnace replacement costs $2,000 to $5,200. 

  • An electric furnace replacement costs $1,900 to $5,600. 

  • Oil furnace replacement costs $2,500 to $6,000. 

  • Efficiency and SEER rating – High-efficiency models with higher SEER ratings cost more.  

  • Additional cost will depend on the level of complexity to install unit. 



According to, the average cost to replace just the HVAC system is in the range of $5,000 to 11, 000. To replace the HVAC system plus the ductwork, is estimated to be in the range of $7,000 to $15,000 and that is not including extra add-ons. 


The labor cost to install an HVAC system is between $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the size of the home, the furnace and AC unit type. Labor rates are in between $75 to $150 per hour. 













There are many combinations of heating units and cooling units available depending on your local climate and the size of the home. All of these factors will add to the average installation cost.  




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Ac units that are more than ten years old and use a refrigerant known as r-22, a type of freon, is outdated and harmful to the environment. Upgrading to a newer unit will reduce your carbon footprint, a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a person, group, organization or state, while cutting down on your monthly energy bills. 

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